If you’re wondering what the perfect definition of a good hair transplant is, you’ll actually know once you see your outcomes and the improvement in appearance you get after the procedure. Your hair transplant has gone successfully if you feel more confident and have a grin on your face along with healthy, natural hair growth. At the Medispa hair transplant clinic, we work hard to restore your lost happiness and confidence with a superb hair transplant.
The cosmetic outcomes produced by a skilled surgeon are the foundation of a successful hair transplant. Finding such surgeons is difficult because there aren’t many of them in the world. Introduced for his competence in the field of hair transplant surgery is one of them, Dr Suneet Soni. He is a highly talented hair transplant surgeon who is renowned for his aesthetic sensitivity and exceptional surgical abilities.
Because Indians are naturally artistic, hair transplant in India has drawn interest from hair loss patients all around the world. Dr. Suneet Soni is one of the top surgeons on the list who not only treats a large number of domestic patients but is also well-known across the world for his creative hair transplant techniques. Forget about how much a hair transplant cost in India; we are also extremely reasonable, so come see us for an excellent hair transplant and a wonderful experience.
What is hair transplant surgery?
Selective hair roots are removed from the back and sides of the head or from other alternative places and then transplanted to the targeted bald area during a small surgical operation known as a hair transplant. The hair roots chosen for the procedure must be firmly rooted in the scalp. These permanent hair roots are obtained using the FUE or FUT hair transplantation methods, which have different methods of extraction.
The back and sides of the head, the chest, the axilla, or the beard are typical donor locations. During the consultation, the donor regions are examined to see whether there are any available hair transplants. If the hair density appears to be sufficient, the operation may be possible for you. Therefore, get advice from a reputable and legitimate hair transplant clinic before making any plans.
How to define success in hair transplant surgery?
When you have a high density hair transplant with incredibly natural-looking results, it is successful. When the donor area’s hair density is sufficient to cover the bald spot, high density hair growth is conceivable. When the treatment is carried out by skilled hands and an experienced surgeon with an aesthetic sensibility, the results will seem as natural as feasible.
The factors that determine the outcome of a hair transplant operation are briefly summarised as follows:
Life long results: Results from hair transplants are long-lasting, so you won’t have to worry about the transplanted hair thinning out as your natural hair does. To make sure that the hair transplants endure a lifetime, we handpick the DHT resistant and permanent roots.
Maximum hair growth: It is possible with hair transplantation using contemporary techniques, depending on the density of the donor area’s hair. If you have selected a qualified and skilled surgeon, you will surely get one.
Aesthetic results: Hair transplant surgery presents an aesthetic challenge to the surgeon since creativity and artistic sensibility are essential. It is necessary for a hair transplant to be effective. The positioning of each hair graft is essential for creating a natural appearance following a hair transplant. The capacity to design the hairline based on the patient’s age, sex, and facial profile defines an aesthetically acceptable hair transplant.
Uncomplicated hair transplant: Throughout your hair transplant, we promise that you won’t feel any pain. For your comfort, a local anaesthetic is only administered once before to the procedure for hair transplantation. Because we want you to have a comfortable and enjoyable hair transplant procedure, we don’t provide several injections at various points during the procedure.
Scar-free hair transplant: To be honest, no operation can leave no visible scars, although we can come close. Yes, utilising either procedure—FUT or FUE—it is now possible to heal the donor site with scars that are essentially undetectable because to cutting-edge procedures. In order to give you the best service possible, we promise to use the most recent methods and technology. The scar won’t even be evident until the hair has grown in.
Easy-to-access aftercare: If everything goes according to plan during the treatment, which can happen in the best hands, hair transplantation is a painless process. Your transplanted hair is permanent, so you don’t need to worry about maintaining it or getting replacements after the procedure is done. Transplanted hair may be handled the same as your own hair.