An outpatient surgical procedure known as a hair transplant involves the permanent follicular units being harvested and transplanted to the targeted bald area. The choice to have a hair transplant is a big one and should only be made after all ifs and buts have been addressed. Even though there are many resources online that provide information about hair transplants, each patient will have different questions. Therefore, it is essential to schedule a consultation appointment before deciding to get a hair transplant.
As only a few hair transplant doctors have established themselves as among the best in the world, hair transplant in Jaipur is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. The oversupplied market of the cosmetic industry has made hair transplant cost in Jaipur relatively affordable. Because of these advantages, Jaipur has become a top location for travellers interested in hair transplants from all over the world.
The list of factors that make primary consultation significant is as follows:
- To determine if you are an appropriate candidate for a hair transplant: A primary appointment must be scheduled in order to address all questions and analyse your circumstances and the procedure’s viability. The doctor will determine if it is safe to proceed with the hair transplant based on your medical history and level of baldness.
If you meet the following requirements, you are an excellent candidate for a hair transplant:
- Any patient with alopecia who has a healthy number or quality of follicles in the donor location.
- A patient with sound general health
- Patient with reasonable goals.
However, in the following situations caution should be used:
- Young patients with pattern baldness
- The Norwood grades VI and VII have insufficient hair follicle quality or quantity in the donor location.
- Patients’ exaggerated hopes for hair transplants
What is the importance of primary consultation in hair transplant?
- To evaluate the scalp: The hair transplant surgeon evaluates your scalp under high magnification to look at the quantity and quality of hair follicles in the donor area and to let you know what possible outcomes you can anticipate.
- To comprehend the hair transplant procedure: Different people have various preconceptions regarding hair transplant. In these situations, it is imperative to find out the precise technique from your hair transplant specialist.Although a hair transplant has a reputation for being a regenerative surgery, it is actually a restoration technique in which the hair follicles are moved from the donor area to the recipient area.
- To determine how many grafts are needed for your case: The surgeon will determine the amount of grafts at your initial consultation after assessing the size of the bald area and the density of hair follicles in the donor area. The clinician should use caution when deciding how many grafts to remove because this is the key to long-term success. If there is considerable extraction in a donor area with lower density, the donor area’s density may decrease.
- To choose the hair transplantation method that will be used in your case: FUE and FUT are the two main techniques used in hair transplantation for graft harvesting. The technique is chosen based on the patient’s age, the number of needed follicles, the extent of the baldness, the amount and quality of hair follicles at the donor site, and the patient’s preferences. The selection of a technique is essential for long-lasting, natural outcomes.
- To evaluate the legitimacy of the clinic and the surgeon: An initial consultation is required to evaluate the expertise of the surgeon and the legitimacy of the clinic. Many clinics don’t really care about the patient’s assessment or conversation; instead, they only want to trap them with discounts and incentives. If you come across such a clinic, you can be confident that its credibility is questionable. You can also gauge how comfortable you are conversing with the surgeon by doing so.